“Mountain Stream Public Welfare” Project
"Mountain Stream Public Welfare” Project launched by the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation is a new public network platform. Its main purpose is to better promote the concept of “transparent public welfare" and to make it more transparent, more convenient and more effective.

• "Mountain Stream Public Welfare” Project launched by the Shanghai Soong   Ching Ling Foundation is a new public network platform. Its main purpose is to better promote the concept of “transparent public welfare" and to make it more transparent, more convenient and more effective.

• As a fundraising platform for public welfare projects, “Mountain Stream Public Welfare” Project is not just a network donation channel, but a public network platform with an innovative concept – allowing donors to directly participate in public welfare activities, help supervise project execution and make credit ratings for the projects.

• "Mountain Stream Public Welfare” Project also enables both donors and donees to have more direct and smooth communications, thus promoting the overall transparency of the public welfare industry.